Audiometric Testing
AirExtremeAn audiometric exam is a clinical assessment designed to evaluate a person's hearing ability. It typically involves a test to measure how well a p...
View full detailsBreath Alcohol Screening Service
Edmonton Safety Supplies (AirExtreme)DOT approved Breathalyzer testing
Breathing Air Compressor Inspection, Repair and Air Quality Testing
AirExtremeCompressed Air Breathing Testing REQUIRED Every 6 Months The dangers associated with breathing contaminated air are critical when using SCBA tanks ...
View full detailsBreathing Air Equipment Inspection, Repair, Cylinder Refill and Testing
AirExtremeCompressed Air Breathing Testing REQUIRED Every 6 Months The dangers associated with breathing contaminated air are critical when using SCBA tanks ...
View full detailsCalibration of Gas Monitors
AirExtremeAir Extreme calibrate gas monitors daily. Rentals are also available
Combination Audio Testing with Hearing Protection Fit Testing
AirExtremeCombination Audio Testing with Hearing Protection Fit Testing Bundle An audiometric exam is a clinical assessment designed to evaluate a person's h...
View full detailsDrug and Alcohol Express - Oral Swab 11 Panel with Breath Alcohol
AirExtremeIt is essential to bring a physical form of government photo ID that is valid (not expired) no smoking, eating, drinking, or chewing gum 10 mins be...
View full detailsDrug and Alcohol Express - Oral Swab 12 Panel with Breath Alcohol
AirExtremeIt is essential to bring a physical form of government photo ID that is valid (not expired) no smoking, eating, drinking, or chewing gum 10 mins be...
View full detailsDrug and Alcohol Express - Oral Swab 6 Panel with Breath Alcohol
AirExtremeIt is essential to bring a physical form of government photo ID that is valid (not expired) no smoking, eating, drinking, or chewing gum 10 mins be...
View full detailsDrug and Alcohol Express 12 Panel with Breath Alcohol
Edmonton Safety Supplies (AirExtreme)Drug Screening - 12 Panel POCT - Oral Swab with Breath Alcohol Combo It is essential to bring a physical form of government photo ID that is valid ...
View full detailsDrug and Alcohol Express 8 Panel with Breath Alcohol
AirExtremeDrug Screening - 8 Panel POCT - Urine with Breath Alcohol Combo - Non DOT
Drug and Alcohol Lab-Any Panel with Breath Alcohol
AirExtremeIt is essential to bring a physical form of government photo ID that is valid (not expired)
Drug and Alcohol – LAB Oral Swab Any Panel with Breath Alcohol
Edmonton Safety Supplies (AirExtreme)It is essential to bring a physical form of government photo ID that is valid (not expired) no smoking, eating, drinking, or chewing gum 10 mins be...
View full detailsFire Extinguisher Inspection and Service
AirExtreme"Inspection" means a monthly "quick check"; that an extinguisher is available and will operate; is fully charged and operable; is in its designated...
View full detailsHearing Protection Fit Test
Edmonton Safety Supplies (AirExtreme)NEW - Hearing protection fit testing is Effective March 31, 2023, Part 16 of the OHS Code will require employers to ensure noise exposed workers ar...
View full detailsOnsite Service for Inspection, Repair, Air Trailer Refill
Edmonton Safety Supplies (AirExtreme)Respirator Mask Fit Test
AirExtremeRespirator Mask Fit Testing refers to a professional fit to ensure that the participant is wearing the proper mask size and type for the shape of t...
View full detailsRespirator Mask Fit Test - Additional Masks
AirExtreme**This option is an add-on for an additional mask(s) after the initial mask fit ** Respirator Mask Fit Testing refers to a professional fit to ensu...
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